happy Hexagon Appliqué

This morning didn’t go as planned. I had in mind a totally different blog post, but technology failed me. At the end of my allotted work time, I decided to switch gears and sew.

After some time spent with this,

Arranging hexagons. Stitched in Color.jpg

And this,

yummy texture. Stitched in Color.jpg

And this,

Hexagon applique. Stitched in Color.jpg

I feel much lighter. I’m sure you understand!

Here are some notes for those of you who love the details.

Glue basting for applique. Stitched in Color.jpg

I glue basted with Roxanne’s glue baste, which is very good stuff. It will wash out, so this is truly just basting. Only, my glue won’t flow through the tiny tip anymore. I cleared the metal tip many times with a sewing pin, but still the glue won't flow. Perhaps over the years the glue itself has become too thick? Anyways, I dabbed the glue from the open cap. Worked.

It’s hard to mark lines on this melton wool. I tried a Hera marker, water soluble markers and chalk, but nothing is great. I guess this is what they make ink markers for, but I’ve never been a fan. So, a là Modern Handcraft, I placed my hexagons without a drawn grid, just eyeing it.

Machine stitch applique. Stitched in Color.jpg

Of course, during the quilting phase the wonkiness becomes clear! I was trying to be really, really careful about placement, but neither my eyes nor my hexagons are perfect. Also, do you know how long it’s been since I quilted with my Juki? Forever.

Today I finished the hexagon appliqué for one side of the purse. I think tomorrow I’ll look at it afresh and decide if I’m going to pre-draw a grid for side two, like this.

Happy creating, all!