Wild Oranges: Sew Quadrant 1

What fun it is to visit #WildOrangesQuilt and see the fabrics you have chosen for your projects! You’ve cut pretty stacks of squares and orange peel slices. Now I am definitely eager to see your quilts develop!

Over the next four weeks, we’ll sew a quarter of the quilt at a time. This first quarter is the biggest, which is intentional. We always have the most enthusiasm in the beginning, right? I know you’re eager to see your fabrics bloom. Let’s do this!

To find out how to join the Wild Oranges sew-along, click over to the master sew-along post. It’s a digital pattern, so you can grab it in a flash and sew right along.


Week 2: Sew Quadrant 1

First, gather supplies. You will need your copy of the pattern, of course, and your cut fabrics.

You’ll also need fabric starch, a tiny paintbrush (kid quality is fine) and a variety of sewing threads that match your fabrics. Here are the threads I’ve gathered for my quilt.

Let’s start with the exciting part! Go to page 15 in your copy of the Wild Oranges quilt pattern. This is the Quadrant 1 quilt map. It shows the exact arrangement of background fabrics and orange peels. With your Fabric Key handy so that you can remember what fabric is what, arrange the background squares on the floor, a large table or design wall. Then layer the orange peel slices on top. It’s so fun to see those lovely fabrics mix and layer!

Unfortunately, our orange peel slices are prone to fly away, so it’s best to secure them as soon as possible. Maybe keep the windows shut in the meantime, to keep gusts of wind at bay.

I like to applique in batches. First I turn under all the edges of the peels and pin them neatly in place (see page 13).

This is peaceful, meditative work. If you’re not feeling the zen, put on some music, an audiobook or podcast. It does take time to press-under the edges. If you get frustrated, remember that you’re skipping the time you would otherwise spend on cutting/sewing pieced curves or hand-sewing needle turn applique. The results will be worth it.

Next I machine applique by color. That is to say, I applique all the peals that can use X color thread first and then move onto the next thread color. This step goes much quicker!

Hello pretty curves! Sew together those simple squares and your quadrant 1 is complete.

Week 2 Sew-Along Goal: Sew Quadrant 1

I spy vines, flowers and circles already. What a nice start!

Congratulations to @SashapalHart the first winner of our weekly sew-along prize. I’m excited to see your pretty fabrics become a Wild Oranges quilt.

Share to win!

This week share a photo of your orange peel applique in process with hashtag #WildOrangesQuilt.

You are welcome to applique in any manner you prefer! It does not have to be machine applique, as per the pattern.

Your photo enters you into a giveaway for my Seafarers pattern! This medallion style sampler quilt is sewn via machine paper piecing. A combination of fanciful shapes and balanced repetition makes the Seafarers pattern ripe for exploration. Includes 5 paper piecing blocks, including the Neighborhood block below. Use them In other projects too!

Winner will be announced next week and giveaway is open worldwide.

good luck, friends!