Elora, 7 months

This month baby is photographed on Les Fleurs Tapestry by Rifle Paper Company in stock now at Quilt Sandwich!

How is it the end of June already?  If I could I would stop time to savor this squishy baby and her smiles and her squeals at just this delicious moment awhile longer.  I am in no rush for her to crawl or walk or even say "mama", because today with her is perfect.  How lucky we are!

Memory Box {Seven Months}

Milestones:  Sitting up unassisted!  Rolling for movement, having finally realized she can roll from stomach to back on purpose and now connecting those rolls to get about.  Eating soft finger foods.  Enjoying the lake and pool.

Biggest Challenge:  None this month.  She's nursing well, sleeping through the night in her crib, taking two solid naps per day, easy to take out of the house and most always happy as a clam.  I'm embarrassed it's just so easy to be her mom at the moment.  See opening comment about stopping time...

Biggest Surprise:  Rora loves this simple bead toy.  I think we've had it since Aria was a tot, but none of my kids gave it the time of day.  Maybe we didn't introduce it early enough?  Baby Elora will lay beside it, fingering the beads, wiggle up to it when it scoots away and hold onto it for stability when she's sitting up.  Oh, the kittens like it too!  I shared a video on Instagram that gives you a taste of the fun.

Special Memory:  I wish you could see her with our new kittens!  We brought home a pair of kittens which had grown up outside in order to be new "barn cats" on our property.  (We live on 8 acres and have an actual barn, so keeping down the rodents is a real thing.)  Well, the kittens were too little to safely put outside right away without their mama, so we brought them inside.  Three weeks later... they're still inside.  They are wild little kitties who race around and over the furniture, swat the curtains, climb the rocking chair while I'm nursing and even climb our brick kitchen walls.  They are not inside creatures... but Rora LOVES them. 

I think she likes nothing more than to find herself on the floor with the kittens playing nearby.  She talks to them some, but mostly she squeals with delight - a little laugh-squeal that is completely irresistible.  I simply cannot put them outside yet.  I don't think they'll be as happy inside when Rora starts to chase after them, even at a snails pace.  Maybe that will be the time to ease them into their new wide world.

So let the wide world wait.  We'll be here, together.  Happy.

