After the Rain: Sew Columns 1-4

This post is part of the After the Rain Sew-Along! See all posts.

It’s week 3 already. Are you sewing-along? This week I have a question for you to mull over, as you sew.

I love to see your progress pictures, wherever you are in the process, on Instagram via #AftertheRainSAL.

Make sure you follow @StitchedinColor, and @TheConfidentStitch in order to be eligible to win prizes. More on that at the end of this post!


Week 3: Sew Columns 1-4

Fabrics are cut, papers are printed, choices are made. With all those preparations complete, this is the time to relax and enter the sewing zone!

This week sew blocks for columns 1, 2, 3 and 4 in your After the Rain quilt. That will entail two size small rows, a medium row and the large row. I like to sit down and sew all the identical blocks for one column. Then press all the blocks for own column. Then trim them. Repeat with the next column.

Column 2. Stitched in Color.jpg

After all my blocks are sewn, pressed and trimmed, I’ll have a marathon paper tearing away session while I watch a show or call a friend.

If you have extra time this week, you could also sew your blocks together to create complete columns. Or, save that task for next week, when we have fewer blocks to sew.

While You Sew

This quilt is a bit symbolic for many of us. This week, while you do some no-brain sewing/pressing/trimming, I have a question for you to mull over:

This year, to what would you like to say “No” in your life? What are you ready to leave behind?

An attitude? A commitment? A fear? A possession? An empty promise? A false sense of identity? It could be anything. Anything unhelpful.

For some this is quite difficult. Some clutter their homes and schedules with so much that brings little value. But, honestly, I love throwing things away and reevaluating my choices. I’ve seen time and time again that when I say “no” to something I make room in my life for more intentional choices.

It’s rather impossible to move toward something better if we cling tightly to what already is. Any time is a good time to clear the spaces of your home and your heart of negative or zero-sum influences.

NO. Stitched in Color.jpg

When I made the first After the Rain quilt, aka Never Easy quilt, I noticed that the design is filled to the brim with decisive capital N’s. For me, each half rectangle triangle block said “No” to unrealistic expectations that others force upon us or those that we willingly shroud ourselves in. So, I said, “No, no, no.” It was cathartic.

What about you? Sew “no” with a capital N today.

This Week’s Prize

On Friday, February 12th I’ll select a random winner from among everyone who has posted to the After the Rain hashtag this week.


Netorious in Plummy, Square Up in Jelly, Freckles in Starboard, Square Up in Scout, Stitch & Repeat in Teal, Dottie in Dijon Mustard, Go Dot Go in Fireplace, Menagerie Champagne in Coral, Stitch & Repeat in Strawberry.

This prize ships free to winners in the USA or Canada. International winners will be asked to cover the cost of shipping.


Don’t be shy!  Just add #AftertheRainSAL to your Instagram photo caption and you’ll automatically be in the running.  Here are two recent additions to our hashtag stream:

The winner of last week’s kick-off prize is @Chicory_Stitchery_Studio. I’ve reached out to you via Instagram messaging. Thanks for sharing, friends!