Garden Party Purse!

Something frivolous. 

Patchwork Purse in Progress

Something I've been waiting to make...

Garden Party Purse

After busting through all of those Christmas gifts, I so enjoyed making something for me. This "fan purse" from Patchwork Style is a delightful way to play with my little stash of Garden Party (courtesy of Mary - thanks again!!!)

Garden Party Purse (other side

I threw in a few Innocent Crush prints too. Anna's collection mesh so well together! I truly adore the lively saturation in these prints.

Garden Party Purse

Decided to skipped the leather handles suggested in the book for linen ones made from scrap. The purse has two roomy pockets and magnetic snap closure.

Stitched in Color

I even like how my fabric transfer tag came out... just wish I had planned the snap placement better. I did the other side first and then this snap landed partially on the tag. Oops.

Garden Party Purse

As I finished it up, I decided that these fabrics are truly some of my favorites. Since Garden Party is becoming rather hard to find, I really should stock up.

Garden Party Purse from Patchwork Style
