
Curves Class is wrapping up, with next week our last.  The class has been so fun!  In fact, it went even more smoothly than I had imagined.  But, of course, I'm still feeling a bit of release as we near the end, a bit of, "I made it!".  One thing I'm looking forward to doing now is making "merit badge" gifts for campers.  Our arrangement is that any camper who finishes 1 project from each week of class by March 31st earns a handmade something from me.  There are only 20 campers, so I know I won't be overwhelmed by that commitment!  Happily, lots of them are going to make it.

Which is just the excuse I need to fiddle around with scraps!

making from scrap

Nope, I'm not one to keep the gifts hidden. I think I inherited the spoiler gene from my mom!  But, my other excuse for showing the gifts is that I think I'll let them choose on a first done, first serve basis.  That will increase their chances of getting a gift that they really like. And, them liking it is really the whole point.  (Plus, then I don't have to choose.  Win-win.)

 Oodalolly reformed

Maybe you recognize this first one?  I'm calling her Oodalolly Reformed.  She's the center of versions 1-3 of Oodalolly remade into a journal cover. 

a journal cover for a Camper

Plus, a big black dot thrown in on the inside flap.   Loud and colorful, anyone?

Curvy Log Cabin

Curvy Log Cabin has at heart a little log cabin block I made when testing some ideas.  It's a color palette I can't seem to get enough of.

a journal cover for a Camper

It's refreshing to make something smaller after doing so many quilts lately.  Not that I'm taking a break from quilts (hahahahaHA), but just that I haven't been doing enough small projects lately.  The instant gratification is yum.

the back

Those scissors were destined for the back of a quilter's journal cover.  Delightful.

More "smaller" in the works.  This time, even smaller yet...