Project Jam

Here I am already with evidence of my craziness!  Yes, I had thought to show you some of my finished projects first, but this jumble of projects in process weighs heavily upon me, so here we are for today...

Before you can understand the gravity of the situation, you must know that I am generally a project monogamous.  Well, I actually usually have two projects going - one large and one small or one at the machine and one by hand - but that's monogam-ish, as Chawne would say.  Focus is key.  Reaching completion is key.  I am not designed to handle...

project jam #5

#1  Liam's flying geese curtains

project jam #4

#2 Drunkards path mini for Curves Class

project jam #3

#3 Star Blossoms paper-pieced runner

project jam #2

#4  Oliver & S Pajamas for kid's Christmas Eve gifts

project jam #1

#5  Christmas Tree mini for Curves Class (I was just working on this.  Hmm... seems to need more stars.)

And, to be honest, that's really not all.  I also have other Curves Class projects in progress, the Meet The Gang quilt awaiting a backing, another Makeup Roll gift to make and some do. Good Stitches blocks that I'd better start tonight.

Now, I like sewing.  Sewing is not the problem.

When there is this much going on, there's less sewing and more running around in circles.  Many projects going at once is a necessity of the Curves Class in some ways.  I have to test my ideas to make sure they'll work and then I start thinking about that other idea and go on to test that, etc, etc.  Don't worry, I'll survive ;)

Oh, speaking of the Curves Class, I've made a lot of progress on firming up my ideas for how it will run.  Thanks to some great discussions with experienced online teachers, I've decided to have three versions of the class so that I can offer more learning resources, like video and chat, at the highest levels without selling myself short.  There will still be an entry level that's super affordable and still includes access to all of the projects.  And the classes will run simultaneously too, so no one will have to wait.  I think it's going to be a win-win kind of situation!  I'm expecting the 5-week class to begin February 2012.  If you'd like to get some new quilting tools that would be useful in the class, see my notes here.  We'll talk more about such things after the holidays!

So, are you project monogam-ish? Or, perhaps you thrive on lots of options?  Do you think you ask too much of yourself at this time of year, project-wise?