just Peachy

Friends, I have had my thinking cap on all. day. long.  I think I've about had it on the brain stuff.  So let's see if I can catch you up like this.

* I'm facing one of life's fork in the roads, because it's looking like my current business (here and here) is going to see its last year in 2011.
* So, my goal for this year is to see what can be done to make Stitched in Color my new job.
* Because, really, I want to stay home and homeschool my littles.
* And I think stitching can be that flexible.  I'm praying anyway.
* In spite of a bit of sadness, I find this fork rather exciting.
* At least in January.
* My husband does not.
* I've considered taking up the whole making stuff gig. You know, stocking an Etsy store, landing the craft shows, marketing, sell, make, make, make.
* It sounds exhausting.
* So, I think I'm going to try the publishing route. Like books? Magazines? Patterns?
* Starting with the magazines, apparently.
* Are you laughing yet?
* Yeah, me neither.
* Problem with publishing is that you can't share stuff on your blog until LATER.
* DRAT!!!!!
* And blogging is totally the best, most funnest thing ever, so I'm not going anywhere.
* There, now that it's all settled, I'm going to go finish that minkee rag blanket.
* So I'll have something to show you tomorrow.
* For today, I'll leave you with this link to the most "peachy perfect" of blogs.  Dottie Angel, whose fairytale is well-nigh believable and so completely worth following, inspires me today.