Trimmed Tote for Color Intensive

Trimmed Tote for Color Intensive

Lingering images, inviting new fabric, little bits of trim squirreled away for ages, Christmas gifting and quilty curves... so many delightful things manged to roll together into a new tote design this winter.  I not-so-cleverly dubbed it the "Trimmed Tote" because textures and trimmings inspired the look.

a whole lot of happy

This fantastic green and cream crochet lace is something my mom picked up secondhand long before I knew how to sew.  Don't you think this was its destiny all along?

with mama's doily

In fact all the trimmings used on both versions I just happened to have on hand (and I have very, very, very few ribbons and trims).  I started with the trims and made my fabrics fall in line!

Trimmed Tote for Color Intensive

During week no. 2 of the Color Intensive online workshop students will be challenged to create a Trimmed Tote following one of 2 color patterns:  analogous or complementary.   Of course, we'll have already studied the color wheel and classic color patterns by then, as well as spent a whole week talking about how color makes us feel.  I hope that this project is a welcome bit of self-discovery.  Am I more of an analogous or complementary person, when it comes to telling my own color stories?

the Analogous version
Both of these totes feature recently released fabrics from Anna Maria Horner including Flourish in Cherry, Lineage, Twill Bouquet and Sealing Wax.  The contrast and lining are sewn in Essex linen with extra wide seam allowances.  Since I was making one for my mother for Christmas, I designed curved corners to suit her.   So easy and such a nice, soft touch.

I do so love these leather handles.  Sewed them right on with my Juki machine.  Pow!  They are real leather from the cocosheaven Etsy shop.   I also bought some other colors while I was at it since leather handles just aren't available locally.  The tan color is too light for my tastes, but I really love the yellow and will surely make more totes this year.  The Color Intensive workshop will include directions for making the Trimmed Tote with leather or fabric handles.

Trimmed Tote

In the end I had quite a struggle deciding which one my mother would like best.  I really think both are completely "her".  But ultimately the more colorful tote is decidedly "me", so I kept that one for myself (and promptly felt guilty!)  But, well, I was truly at a loss to decide otherwise!  Promise.

Trimmed Tote

Maybe you'll have to make 2 totes too, one to keep and one to gift!  Those of you planning to join in can start pondering trims if you like.  You'll need 30" to travel around the tote or a piece of lace or a doily to nestle in the side seam.  Maybe you have something around the house you can finally use or repurpose to a fabulous new life.  Happy rummaging!