5 Steps to Makeover your Sewing Space!

On this wet, drizzly day it feels like winter, but spring is just around the corner. Tender leaf buds are forming on the tips of branches, the cherry trees have blossomed and a few brave bulbs are already stretching toward the sky. This time of year is ripe for new beginnings, for fresh starts. Could you use a little spring magic to spruce up your creative space?

How to Organize your Sewing Room

Step 1: Declutter

Identify and accept your finite space. Respect its limitations, but imagine its possibilities too! Go through all your things to pair down to what is useful and inspiring. Donate the rest!

Step 2: Furnish

Start with the basics. Strategize an ideal layout and envision the atmosphere you’d like to create. Establish work stations and storage stations. Use your walls! Install a design wall or two.

Step 3: Fabric

Adopt good habits for cutting and managing your fabric. It makes life so much easier! Organize and store your yardage and then your scraps, in inspiring and accessible ways.

Step 4: Notions

What are your everyday essentials? Identify those and find ways to keep them close at hand. Learn to group the rest of your notions in categories of similar size or purpose, which makes storage much more straightforward.

Step 5: Projects

Take stock of all your works in progress, as well as how they make you feel. Choose 3-5 top priority projects to store visibly, as inviting prompts. Establish a place for your current work and your upcoming projects too.



Introducing QuilterSpace, an online course coming this spring. Above is the simplest outline of my course. QuilterSpace is a program to makeover your sewing space into a beautiful and functional haven, just right for you. The course itself is filled with ideas, images and actionable items, so you can make it happen!

I love organization, so planning and redesigning a space is right up my alley. There are so many opportunities to beautify and simplify, and oodles of little tweaks that can make your space more efficient. Eeek, I can’t wait to get started!!!

If this sounds more overwhelming than fun, don’t worry - you’re in the right place. Through QuitlerSpace I’ve broken the process down into small, manageable steps. It’s my way, as a writer, of coming alongside to share a vision for your newly organized and inspiring space.

I’ll help you figure out where to start, what to prioritize and how to make the most of the space you have. QuilterSpace is designed for spaces large or small, shared or dedicated.


How it Works

QuilterSpace is organized into five modules, which you can take in the order I’ve created or reorder to suit your needs. It’s intended to be digested over eight weeks time. That’s plenty of time to take action, while still providing a schedule to keep you motivated. If you’re a real go-getter, you can move through QuilterSpace more quickly too!

I’ve written QuilterSpace as a combination private blog and email PDF course. If things are moving too slowly for you, you can click links to speed up your access to the course. At course conclusion, you’ll receive a complete PDF Coursebook for your permanent use.

Are you going to makeover your space with us? Go ahead and register now. Your access to QuilterSpace begins on March first! You can trigger your personalized course to start anytime March 1st through April 31st. Yes, you can wait until the end of April to actually get started. Once started, it will deliver over 8 weeks, unless you opt to speed things up.


Thanks for prompting me to create this course. Sometimes the things that come naturally aren’t things we realize others need until they say so! I’m glad to help. Please let me know if you have any questions!