A Colorful Thread: June 2022

Weaving together my life as a maker and other spheres of life.

On My Mind

Planning:: a blog post series about How to Shop for Fabric. As you know, fabric is considerably more expensive in Europe as compared with the United States. Naturally, my recent travels stateside included a fabric haul. What better to fill one’s suitcase with, am I right? I shopped online in advance, so that I could make careful decisions, keeping my current fabric stash in mind.

I brought home quite a stack of goodies! Wondering how I decided what to buy? How much yardage and why? Curious how I manage my fabric shopping online? I’m preparing a three-part blog post series with all the details. Let me know if there any questions in particular that you’d like me to answer.

Reading:: Hunt, Gather, Parent: What Ancient Cultures Can Teach Us about the Lost Art of Raising Happy, Helpful Little Humans by Michaeleen Doucleff. This is turning out to be a real gem. I’m always curious about parenting styles from other cultures. Doucleff visits and learns from the Maya in Yucatan, the Inuit in the Arctic circle and the Hadzabe in Tanzania - all new to me. It’s really a practical book with usable, transformative ideas.

Sponsor of the Week

A Thrifty Notion

Secondhand fabrics, warehouse clearance fabrics and even your latest de-stash fabrics - A Thrifty Notion is like Thred Up, but for fabric and sewing supplies. Lower price points through sustainable shopping!

Do you have fabrics that you’d like to send on to a new home? Trade those unwanted goods for A Thrifty Notion gift card! See De-stash details.

Celebrating:: this beachy beauty by @BazyQuilts.  She’s only just begun this June, but her quilt is already making waves. I love this rendition of the Pas de Deux block-of-the-month pattern with a free-flowing use of color. It’s bursting with summer beauty, don’t you think? Keep following your joy, BazyQuilts!

Remembering::  Good times, old friends and beautiful places in South Carolina this June.

When the fight is finished and everything that can be done has been done, there comes a time to simply rest. To let go of what was, what should have been and to look for the light. The loss is real. Our recent visit to South Carolina will always hold memories heavy with pain and disappointment, true. But, that is not all. There was also love from family and old friends, meaning found in doing our best and beauty all around us. We will choose to accept and to live. We have so much to live for!

I’m looking forward to beginning a fresh new month soon.

