Favorites from #30DaysofQuiltDesign

The 30 Days of Quilt Design challenge continues into September and throughout the entire month of October!  Yesterday I shared design #15.  That's halfway there!  Even if you haven't started yet, there's plenty of time to join and finish well before the deadline.  Get all the details here.

This one is probably my favorite from my own designs over the past two weeks.  It would be fun to feature a whole collection with this design, grouping some fabrics and mixing up others.  I'm not sure if I would opt to paper piece it, to keep things super sharp, or piece it as precisely as possible via traditional means.  Maybe a mixture of both, using paper piecing for the smaller ones?

Today a hurricane is passing through South Carolina, so it's dark, wet and windy and just right for browsing through your designs.  Here are a few that especially caught my imagination.  All shared with permission:

A photo posted by Daisy (@antstosugar) on

A photo posted by Christine Perrigo (@ccpquilt) on

Even if you're not in Instagram, you can view all the designs via this link, #30DaysofQuiltDesign, right from your browser.

Gotham Quilts is sponsoring our challenge by handing out a $25 gift certificate to a random participant every two weeks.   Based on hashtag usage, I've drawn our randomn winner using Tint...

Pinwheels and Pancakes

Congrats, PinwheelsandPancakes!   We'll be in touch!  Thanks to Gotham Quilts for sharing the fabric and thanks to all of you for bravely sharing your designs.  I bet you've been feeling extra stitchy lately.

p.s. To be eligible for prizes, don't forget to include "@stitchedincolor" and "@gothamquilts" in your photo captions.  It also makes it much easier for me to catch your designs.

Happy Weekend, all!