Double Cross bee blocks

I made these blocks last week.  When emotions are a whirlwind sometimes a very specific sewing assignment is just what the soul needs.  Color choices decided.  Pattern at hand.  Just head to the scrap bin, sort, stitch, press and voila - success!

Double Cross bee blocks

The double cross improv block starts like this, in single cross form.

Double Cross bee blocks

Then you slice, dice and insert to end up here.  For actual instructions, visit my friend Allison's space where she detailed things out for the Love circle.  She chose the pattern, colors and will receive the finished blocks by mail from all 9 other members of our circle.  As lead quilter, she'll also assemble, finish and mail the quilt to our chosen charity.

Which reminds me, I have less then a month now to make plans and blocks for my turn to lead Love circle.  Hmm....   What shall it be this time?