a little fling

At the very last minute I brought along some of my smallest scraps last weekend.  Sunday Morning Quilts had inspired me to create miniature log cabins with only one round and lots of contrast between the center piece and that round.  I figured a baby boy quilt was in the works, so I pulled all shades of blue, green, yellow and orange, with a sprinkle of red.  And, before I got tired of making them, I had a grid of 16 blocks!

by me

What a fun way to use little scenic scraps, like the Meet the Gang folks, Laurie Wisbrun's trucks and the like.  I even let the Good Folks scraps play.  It was all about using them up!

all from scrap!

Today I made a few more, having decided on finishing at 25 blocks.  This bit of batting thrown over a curtain rod is standing in as my temporary design wall. Works!

temporary design wall

Just after dinner I added Kona Spice, which is a rusty orange color that's a good bit less saturated than the log cabin blocks themselves.  I wanted an offset layout, but with only a yard available, this is as good as it gets.   Right now it's 33" x 43".  I'm just thinking to make a crib quilt so this is physically big enough, but I'm not sure if it's visually right.  Do you think I should add a border?  Maybe a solid or near solid to enlarge the quilt and enforce the offset placement?  Or, does it look right already?

a little fling... does it need more?

One thing's for sure, I love that Spice with these fabrics.  It's bold, but rich.  Reminds me of an old, rusty tractor.  I see it in a baby room with natural wood tones and perhaps some weathered furniture?

  a little fling

Blocks finish at 4" square.  Start your squares at 2" or so for the same kind of proportions I have here.  And, be sure to choose fabrics that really contrast to the center!

4" finished scrappy log cabins

Now, seriously, do you think it's done?  And then I get to imagine how to quilt all that negative space...