this weekend.

Hello, dearies! How are you? Oh, my, is the weekend over already?

Thanks for your well-wishes about the sickies. My kids are still coughing, coughing, coughing, but other symptoms are very mild. It's a funny cold though, cause their appetites are hit or miss and they've been so tired. Tonight we put them both to bed at 6:15. Seriously! I guess that means I should have a productive night! Well, I should include that our kids normally go to bed at 7 - 7:30 (yep, that's my secret if you've ever wondered how I get things done...).

the incessant scraps

So, anyways, I did make 2 more improv blocks on Saturday. Tonight I aim to actually make something with them, but I don't know how much I should show you. My secret partner may be lurking around, making guesses. Or, maybe, she's clueless, who knows?

two for you.

I can show you this mini batch of scrappy cards. I forgot to bring my iron to scrapbooking night on Saturday (and, would you know, no one else brought one - sheesh). So, I didn't get much done.

scraps = cards, slowly.

Making scrappy cards is always fun, but it comes up a wee bit depressing every time how few scraps I used in the end. I know, I know, I'm like a broken record on the scrap front! But, hey, I actually have a plan. And it involves you (shocker). I'm thinking a ticker tape scrappy quilt-along is in order a bit later in the year. Raise your hand if you're game!

Until then, I'll just keep making more scraps. And here I go again...