Stitched in Color

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done Good {Happiness Circle}

do. Good Stitches is a modern online community that quilts for good.  Over the years the bee has grown and grown, so that these days I find myself struggling to keep current with all the beautiful work being done.  I'm taking up the habit of cheering for them from here, in the way of finished object posts.  Every month or so, I'll share some "done Good".  Today, Happiness Circle takes the spotlight!

In August, Heather of Winding Bobbins served as lead quilter for the Happiness circle.  Quilter's take turns setting a vision for the monthly bee quilt, usually defining the block style, colors and block size.  Heather requested a collaborative quilt using Ashley of Film in the Fridge's tutorial for an Intersection quilt.  This is a block that other members of do. Good Stitches have used before, but there's nothing wrong with repeating a good thing!  Quilters for do. Good Stitches are welcome to use per-existing tutorials and to quilt with simple, straight lines.  No fuss necessary; just quality, cheery quilts!

Happiness Circle August 2015

For her color scheme, Heather invited bee mates to "use any colours you choose, as long as the three colours for each block have a lot of contrast from each other and that the prints aren't too busy." Above is one of her sample blocks posted with her instructions to inspire her team.

  Happiness circle August 2015.  All of my blocks are here and playing very nicely together :)

As the blocks came together the work in progress took on a bright, happy vibe.  Even though it's totally scrappy, the overall color scheme is saturated because Heather asked her bee mates not to use fabrics that are predominately white.

Happiness circle, August 2015 quilt finished.

And here's the finish!  Doesn't it look so cheery on that lush grass?  Thank-you, Heather, for stepping up to quilt for do. Good Stitches.   I'm sure this quilt will bless someone who needs a reason to smile. 

Happiness is a Canadian-based circle which makes quilts for various Canadian charities including Project Linus and Victoria's Quilts.  Well done, ladies!  Congratulations to Happiness host Colleenb23 and the entire Happiness circle, Flickr names:  Colleenb23, Waffle Kisses, annietwinkletoes (chelsea), Heather DD, Kirstin40, Retired to Quilt, Principiessa, arquilters, prairiepatchwork57 and createthepoint, plus retired host Marika Makes. 

p.s. Learn about do. Good Stitches here.  While quilts of all styles are wonderful acts of charity, this bee intends to bring together active Flickr-users who enjoy sewing with modern fabrics.  To join the wait list, please use this form.