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Burp Cloths for baby

I do believe I adore these burp cloths as much as is humanly possible.  To wit:

I HEART these burp cloths

I HEART these burp cloths

I HEART these burp cloths

I HEART these burp cloths

And these are only the photos I kept!

But, they really are little gems.  And they were sooooo easy to make!  I like small burp cloths, so I cut or pieced these 10.5" x 12.5" from my Folksy Flannel scraps.

burp cloths in Folksy Flannel

Then I rounded all four corners with this half circle ruler.  Did I ever tell you that I hate rulers with little guides in which you're supposed to be able to cut?  I always dull my rotary blade by clipping the edges of the guides.   Navigating these curves was virtually impossible, even with a tiny blade.  I resorted to using the cutting tracks to trace my curve and then cutting along the marked lines.

burp cloths in Folksy Flannel

Sew the flannel burp cloth top to a terry backing, right sides together.  Trim the terry to match and turn it all right side out.  Finish with a close edge stitch that simultaneously closes the turning gap. Voila!

I made eleven.  That was all my terry.

I HEART these burp cloths

I'm going to leave these lovelies out to pet and admire for a good long time.

Hurray for baby GIRL sewing!!!!

p.s.  Thanks so much for all your well wishes and comforting comments.  I so appreciate that I can count on your support!  Thank-you!