Stitched in Color

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Starlight, starbright

Do you know I actually dragged my feet on finishing this quilt top because I didn't want to stop the piecing?  Seriously.  No exaggeration.  Once all the pieces were cut and the quilt colors were mapped out, it was such a peaceful, brainless zen.  And so colorful!

Starbright quilt top

Actually, I didn't think it was going to be quite this colorful.   It's pretty, yes.  Cheerful, definitely.  And really, really bright.  It's what pretty much always happen if I let my scraps loose.  Scraps like to be arranged a la rainbow.  Though, I did resist orange somehow.

I wish I may, I wish I might

Last night when I was showing the finished top to my friend Heather (who gets credit for suggestingy a monochromatic star layout instead of the scrappy one I started with) I realized the quilt looks like Rainbow Brite's bedspread.  Don't you think?  Ok, children of the 80's (and their moms), back me up!  So, naturally, the quilt needs a representative name.  Starbright it is!

Starbright quilt top

Now I'm thinking to quilt it with random straight lines ( like this), something I tend to fall into with star-themed quilts.  But, I'm wondering if something more "traditional" might suit this quilt better.  Something by machine. Something not stippling.  Let me know if you have any ideas!

P.S.  So, I am definitely not the only one raring for a string-along!!!  I'm making my list and marshaling the troops for a Scrap Attack {String Fever} stat.  More details to come!  It's gonna be FUN!