Stitched in Color

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on my table

Today on my table the kids are busy coloring away in their Dover books about plants and animals.  With all the colored pencils and sharpeners and books and cat tents, there's just not enough room for my large sewing project at the moment, so I thought I'd take a break to share some pictures of what was on my table before the invasion.

on my table

Yes, I'm still plugging away at those flying geese when the urge strikes.  Would you be happy to hear that I've only had to use the seam ripper twice to correct points that got eaten in the seam allowance?  It's not me, it's that ruler! It really is making accuracy so attainable.

I need 196 flying geese.  yikes.

The other night I finally got the gumption to measure Liam's windows and determine how many flying geese blocks I'll need to make his curtains factoring in the 3" wide Alexander Heath "sashing" of sorts.  Well, it turns out I need 196.  And... that I was less than halfway finished.  Definitely not a moment of glory.  I confess to then feeling a bit of discouragement, which I countered by cutting that rather huge pile of geese to-be-sewn.  Take that!

on my table

In happier, more colorful, scrappier niceness, I've also pieced together a rainbow of scraps since starting a new project for Curves Class on Saturday.

making with tiny scraps

These rainbow chunks eat up lots of small pieces. I so enjoy joining them together to see how all the slight variances in shade create a new, richer fabric that's visually more than a sum of the parts.  Plus, they just go together so fast.  They've been my sewing dessert lately.

scrappy goodness

And of course "black" makes the rainbow.  It wouldn't have at this time last year, but now it's one of my favorite blocks.  Oh how things do change.

The kids are outside playing in the rain now.  I can hear them shouting their way down to the pond.  They're sure to come in nice and muddy!  So, I'm going to run along now.   We'll talk later.  Hope you have a lovely day!