Stitched in Color

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Between this, that and the other, I've committed to make and finish four quilts this August.  Now, on two of them I'm kind of cheating because the blocks are already done.  But, as we know, finishing can still take quite the push.  So, I started the weekend with the goal of finishing my Summer Sampler quilt.  (Um, I may have planned on getting even more than that done, but we'll just pretend it was this one thing.  I still dream hopelessly huge when I make sewing to-do lists...)

week 4

Here are my week 4 blocks.  Pleased to meet you.

More cerise? Check.

Less yellow? Check.

And flirted a bit more with solid black and white. So, I'm just a little bit thrilled with the balance these blocks bring to the mix.

around the block again

If you're following along with the quilt-along, you'll see I skipped the " real" last block. I opted in favor of another " mosaic" block, because I love the way the diamonds run around the center of the block.  Most of the blocks in the Summer Sampler quilt along have designs that emanate from the center, as in a star.  I thought something less star-like would make for more movement.  Oh, and the mosaic is so easy!  Always a plus.

evening star

This evening star block was also a fun one.  Initially I thought it'd be a pain in the tushy, but it really isn't all that difficult now that I know how to paper piece (yeah!), and the finished block seemed worth it.  Here it's photographed on my almost-black table, so that's why the black corners have all but disappeared!

the blocks

By Friday night, I was here.  On Saturday I added a scrappy border, basted and quilted.   Finished the binding yesterday.  I'm going to see if I can get the final, finished photographs taken this week.  I have a location in mind, but it's just so, so, so hot here that I'm not sure when we'll get over there!


Have a happy Monday!