Stitched in Color

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oh, goodness

So, it's just after 10 PM here, and I've just finished reading and responding through all of the 200+ comments on yesterdays (infamous?) post.  I wish we had all night folks, because there's soooooooo much to say, isn't there?

1.  Your comments were incredible.  I made pages of notes. I will have an incredibly hard time choosing the book winner, but that kinda seems besides the point, doesn't it?  I will choose someone, but you'll have to give me some time!

2.  My posts are now available in full in your reader, not truncated.  Or, at least I hope so.  I checked a button...

3.  My only regret about yesterday's post experience is that it was somewhat negative taken as a whole with all of the comments.  I was going more for "confession" than "I dislike this."  However, several of my confessions walked that line closely.  There's an interesting discussion to be had here about the value of being "real" and the danger of being rude.  That said, I hope and believe that our dislikes are said as a personal statement only.  To dislike something does not mean that I think it's poorly done or "wrong". Of course not! Art is subjective. My view is not better than anyone else's.

4.   A few clarifications...  I did not say that I dislike Sherbet Pips.  I did like them immediately!  However, like many of you, I saw the line used so many times before yardage was available that the marketing itself kind of turned me off to the line.  That is why I said I need a "break."

On Innocent Crush, I want to state for the record that I've loved many things made in this line.  Just because I wasn't drawn to buy and stitch with the line as a whole (as I am with Good Folks, for example), doesn't mean that I haven't truly enjoyed things others have made with the line as a whole.

And, lastly, Single Girl... I  have no idea why this quilt pattern doesn't grab me.  It just doesn't.  But it's not as if I think they're awful or something!  Never said that.  If a pattern that doesn't appeal to you appears over and over again all over blogdom, you just might get tired of seeing it, that's all.   I will say that the Single Girl Support Group was obviously a fantastic idea, since so many people were interested in pursuing this quilt pattern!

5.  I love that lots of you had no idea what I was talking about - Sherbet Pips, Single Girl, Innocent Crush, yada, yada.  That's totally cool beans.  Sorry that I didn't take the time to include links so that you wouldn't have to do the searching.

6.  I could actually take some time to talk about all the subjects you brought up.  Fabric consumerism, marketing on blogs, labeling quilt styles (modern/traditional), what we want from reading blogs (closely related to how blogs make us feel), and so much more (like how you hate seeing people's feet in quilt photos - wink!).  So, like, really do you want to have these discussions?  As you can tell, I don't fear confrontation.  But, the thing is we've got to do this with manners - constructively!  I did not censor any of the comments from yesterday, and I really don't want to have to!  So, what do you think - can we handle this?

P.S. Actual sewing blogging should commence tomorrow.  Thanks for your patience!