Stitched in Color

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a list

Phew, I'm exhausted!  I hardly slept last night because I came down with a nasty head cold.  I hope you had a better Sunday! 

This week Brandon and I are heading to Atlanta to celebrate our 10th anniversary.  I'm super-excited and, well, maybe just a little concerned about getting everything done before we go. So, I think a list is in order. A list of what I have for you this week:

* a giveaway!  Yep, not sure which day, but it's a good, practical one.
* a stashing and a welcome to my newest sponsor, Down Shadow Lane.
* a Bottled Rainbow Block.  I'm not sure which color I'll do next...  This block (snapshot below) has me dreaming of plum.
* a quilt pattern. I finished Brick House today!  Now, just a few finishing touches on the pattern...
* a photo tour of my very first visit to a real, live modern quilt shop - Whipstitch of Atlanta.

Plum - Ticker Tapes
by Anna of Something Sewn

Ok, that sounds good!  I like it - hope you do too!  So, I'll just plug away at this and see you in the morning. 

