Stitched in Color

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Colorbrick: Materials List

This post is part of a series {Colorbrick} a Beginner’s Quilt-Along. You can join in anytime, even if you’re not a beginner! Please see this page for links to all posts, and join us on Flickr to share your questions and work-in-progress!

Your finished Colorbrick quilt will measure 52.5" x 67".

Materials List

-10 fat quarters for printed "bricks"
-Neutral solid for sashing & binding (1 ¾ yard of 59” wide linen OR 2 yards of 43/44/45” fabric)
-Neutral solid for backing (2 yards of 59” wide linen OR 3 yards of 43/44/55” fabric)
-Rotary Cutter Setup (cutting mat, rotary cuter and quilter's ruler)
-High quality machine-stitching thread, such at Gutermann, Sulky or Metler.
-55 x 70” batting or twin sized batting that allows for quilting up to 10 inches apart.
-Basting pins or Spray Adhesive
-Walking Foot attachment highly recommended.

My machine doesn't have a built-in walking foot, so I purchased an attachment that does the job. Without a walking foot, your sewing machine pulls fabric from the bottom only. When you're sewing a thick quilt, this uneven feeding will easily cause puckers and bunching. A walking foot pulls the fabric from the top as well. I promise it will come in handy on countless projects!