Stitched in Color

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a Looooooong Weekend

This weekend was so much fun! I don't know how there was time for so much really good stuff. Brace yourself for an obnoxious, celebratory post....

*Romantic date night with hubby. "The Time Traveler's Wife" was an ideal movie choice.
*Hand stitched Wild Bunches Pillow while watching said movie.
*Hexies, hexies, hexagons! I made them. It was FUN!

First Hexies
*Strawberry picking. YUM!
*Rained out from gardening all. weekend. long. (What, not an accomplishment? Oh, no, finding valid reasons for skipping gardening is quite a skill). And, my garden survived.

May Garden

*Family forest hike. Liam (3 years) made it all the way.
*Stitched 2 (yes TWO) eco travel lids in one sitting. Start & finish in one sitting. That was a first. More details soon.

Large Ecocover

*Finished cutting all thirty 12.5" squares for Aria's Fairytale Patchwork quilt in progress.
*Master bedroom facelift. Hurray for an attractive hamper (why are they so darn expensive???) and a home for my jewelry that fits our style.

for my jewelry

* Oh, and a little cleaning too.

P.S.  The gardening still has to be done :(  There's a reason why I didn't photograph the corn rows...